pufferffish / wireproxy

Wireguard client that exposes itself as a socks5 proxy
ISC License
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Not workiing anymore? #124

Open xkajxkajx opened 3 weeks ago

xkajxkajx commented 3 weeks ago

It was working perfect three days ago,but now it is not. I'm getting this and it is stuck there: wplog.txt

This is my conf file: 24PB.warpkey.txt

I think it is a NAT issue. Am I right? I added PersistentKeepalive = 25 to the Peer section ,but nothing happens. Any idea ?

xkajxkajx commented 2 weeks ago

I don't know why but I have fixed it by adding 2 lines in the (wgexample.conf ) file under [Interface] like this:


CheckAlive =, CheckAliveInterval = 3

Maybe someone can explain it to me.


Instead of adding ( [Socks5] BindAddress = ) to the wgexample.conf file manually ,It would be easier to do it by a command line.

For example:

wireproxy.exe -b -c wgexample.conf