pufferffish / wireproxy

Wireguard client that exposes itself as a socks5 proxy
ISC License
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Can wireproxy connect to a specified proxy? #88

Closed romanholidaypancakes closed 1 month ago

romanholidaypancakes commented 9 months ago

There is a computer A in my environment. He cannot connect to the Internet, but he can connect to the specified socket5 proxy for networking. It looks like this

A -> socket5 proxy server -> internet

I now want wireproxy to do this

A -> wireproxy -> socket5 proxy server -> internet

That is to say, wireproxy must be connected to socket5 proxy server to let it forward wireproxy traffic, such as openvpn socket5 proxy forward

This is useful in many corporate environments where they must connect to the network through a designated proxy server