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sm_customvotes #11

Open thehonker opened 2 years ago

thehonker commented 2 years ago


Example of user interaction

> goos: !votestabstabzap
>> goos has voted to votestabstabzap (1 votes / 2 needed)
> eggs: !votestabstabzap
>> goos has voted to votestabstabzap (2 votes / 2 needed)
>> Vote to votestabstabzap has passed
>>> exec custom/foo/bar.cfg; bot_kick; bot_quota 10;

> goos: !votemute eggs
>> goos has voted to mute Eggs with Legs (1 votes / 3 needed)
> m3: !votemute eggs
>> goos has voted to mute Eggs with Legs (2 votes / 3 needed)
> sue: !votemute 241
>> sue has voted to mute Eggs with Legs (3 votes / 3 needed)
>> Vote to mute Eggs with Legs has passed
>>> sm_silence #{TARGET_ID} // sm_silence #241