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sm_listadmins #16

Open thehonker opened 2 years ago

thehonker commented 2 years ago

Can't believe I can't find this as an existing thing.

sm_listadmins -> Print a human-friendly list of the admin cache and their flags to console No chat command necessary +a required to run command


> sm_listadmins

name  auth     identity   flags            immunity  groups
goos  steam    <steamid>  abcdefghijkmrpq  5         serverop, halfop, member, donor
fliz  steam    <steamid>  apq              0         member, donor

The name field should come from the sourcemod admin name, not the steam display name

authtype, identity, immunity, groups, and field padding are nice to haves, name and flags are the only must-haves.

tmick0 commented 2 years ago

Interestingly it doesnt look like sourcemod exposes a way to access the admin cache