pug-bootstrap / PUG-Bootstrap

Bootstrap framework written completely using mixins in Pug
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jade-bootstrap can't understand express return variables #23

Open yongdi opened 7 years ago

yongdi commented 7 years ago

+dropdown("select type",[ {text: "by month", url: 'javascript:change_chart(#{chart},\'month\')'}, {text: "by year", url: 'javascript:change_chart(#{chart},\'year\')'} ])

this is my snippet, i want to render the page with variables that server gives me. but not matter how, i couldn't make it.

rajasegar commented 7 years ago

@yongdi Do you have a sample repo so that i can look into the issue in detail. and also it will help to nail down the root cause...

yongdi commented 7 years ago


according to our company's policy, I can't give all the project. 2 jade views affixed. the node server responses like: res.render('data-table', { cols: cols, tableName: req.params.table, chart: req.params.table, show_date_search: show_date_search });

Till now, everything is ok, including table & charts, except this issue. thank you for helping me