pug-bootstrap / PUG-Bootstrap

Bootstrap framework written completely using mixins in Pug
MIT License
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Bootstrap v4 #32

Open rajasegar opened 3 years ago

rajasegar commented 3 years ago

This is a tracking issue for Bootstrap v4 upgrade for this lib


ksaadDE commented 3 years ago

Take a look at my repo https://github.com/ksaadDE/PUG-Bootstrap.git

I fixed the Topbar (with a few hacks, needs adaption) I changed your coding style as you can see in the usage example for the TopBar below:

`if locals.title
    +navbar(title, "dropdown_menu", "")
        +nav_item("/uploadfile","t21l", "t")

        +nav_dropdown("", "T23")
            +nav_dropdown_item("test", "Test23")
            +nav_dropdown_item("test2", "Test22")
            +nav_dropdown_item("test2", "Test22")

        if session.user != undefined
            +nav_item("/user/dashboard", translations.navbar_loggedin_as + " " + session.user.name, translations.navbar_loggedin_as + " " + session.user.name)
            +nav_item("/login", translations.navbar_login_text)
    +navbar("test", "dropdown_menu")
        +nav_item("/","t1l") Test
        +nav_item("/","t2l") Test2

navbar is defined by mixin navbar(name, id, style, href) and navitem is defined by mixin nav_item(href, label, style, active)

It's still in the navbar pug

Also a few things already working out of the box, which don't needs any fixing.

Buttons are still working I guess.

rajasegar commented 3 years ago

Looks good to me, if you are ready you can raise a PR against the b4 branch, I will take a look

ksaadDE commented 3 years ago

Looks good to me, if you are ready you can raise a PR against the b4 branch, I will take a look

Hey, currently my time is limited to work on it. You're free to copy what you need. If you want to use it. :+1: