puggsoy / GMS-Explorer

Game Maker Studio data.win explorer
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Prebuilt binaries? #3

Closed merasmus44 closed 12 months ago

merasmus44 commented 1 year ago

Is there a place I can acquire the prebuilt binaries for this project? I currently do not have the ability to compile C#.

puggsoy commented 1 year ago

Sorry, currently the project is not in a state where I'm happy to produce a public build. You can use GMExtract to extract content though: https://github.com/puggsoy/GMExtract

merasmus44 commented 1 year ago

I have tried GMExtract, but the games I want to look at have too big a file size? (it says max_array_size reached)

puggsoy commented 1 year ago

Hmm OK, I might be happy to make a pre-release build if it would help. How big is the data.win file?

merasmus44 commented 1 year ago

it's pretty big (91,000 KB). I also tried it on an 18,000KB file and it didn't work either.

puggsoy commented 12 months ago

I've made a pre-release binary now, feel free to give it a try.