pugjs / pug

Pug – robust, elegant, feature rich template engine for Node.js
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Update the README #3404

Open quinton-ashley opened 1 year ago

quinton-ashley commented 1 year ago

The readme still talks about Pug being formerly known as Jade, which is irrelevant to users nowadays. Also it says that v2 is still in beta even though v3.0.2 is the latest version.

shining-moon-dev commented 1 year ago

Pug 2 was released in August 2016 and, to make improvements in the new release possible, they made a decision of deprecating or removing some APIs and undocumented language features. Many of those changes were previously discouraged in console warnings.

As you can see in Version history(https://www.npmjs.com/package/pug?activeTab=versions). Pug 2.0.0 is still under beta stage, and there are several syntactic differences have deprecated and removed.

Such differences are documented at https://github.com/pugjs/pug/issues/2305.

quinton-ashley commented 1 year ago

Right but I wasn't arguing that the info was factually incorrect, I'm saying it was only relevant in 2016, so ideally it should be removed from the readme. Does that make sense?

Also in the version history it does look like v2.0.0 was released and the latest version 2 is 2.0.4 which isn't marked as beta so it seems like it's not still in the beta stage.

quinton-ashley commented 1 year ago

Frankly no one using Pug nowadays should be presented with trivia from 7 years ago before they even see how to install it or usage examples. If you really want to keep that section in the readme there's no good reason that it should be the first thing on the readme in 2023, at least move it to the end. I really like this library and I just want to improve the experience for first time users. The first thing on a readme should be the most important and rn if I was a first time user I'd feel like you guys are wasting my time with that section about how Pug was formerly known as Jade 7 years ago.

quinton-ashley commented 1 year ago

I made a pull request here: #3405