Pug Version: pug@3.0.3
Node Version: bun version 1.1.18
Input Pug
script(type='text/javascript', src='/files/js/index.js')
doctype html
include include/header.pug
include include/navbar.pug
h1 Some Content
But it was not working because the execution is done instantly.
So if I wanted to implement my scripts in the header, my navbar css would not be implemented so my header would only contain the index Script
Pug Version: pug@3.0.3 Node Version: bun version 1.1.18
Input Pug
Expected HTML
Actual HTML
Additional Comments
i would argue it make sense that Pug moves the appropriate scripts tag. I tried to implement a dynamic aproach mixing JS & Pug such as
And then
But it was not working because the execution is done instantly. So if I wanted to implement my scripts in the header, my navbar css would not be implemented so my header would only contain the index Script