puigalex / AMP-Tech

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recycling-project #7

Open CrisEle97 opened 4 years ago

CrisEle97 commented 4 years ago

We're using the code to create a project that uses Python, Tensorflow and Keras. It will distinguish the packaging on a image and it will show you where you have to throw it.

We've used it to learn how Machine Learning works, and we've commented the code to know how it works line by line.


We're Raúl Sáinz Fernández and Cristina López López. We're both students of systems and networks on IES Leonardo da Vinci (Madrid). We're decided to do our final project testing some Machine Learning projects, so here it is our eco-application.

N-halila commented 3 years ago

Hola, disculpe que los moleste, soy una estudiante que esta teniendo algunos problemas y muchas dudas sobre las redes neuronales convolucionales, estoy trabajando en un proyecto de titulación en el que me piden usarlas y tengo bastantes dudas al respecto, les agradecería si pudiesen contactarme y ayudarme, les dejo mi correo: halila25@hotmail.com