puku0x / cvdrone

CV Drone (= OpenCV + AR.Drone)
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Switch off video decoding #10

Closed Softelectro closed 10 years ago

Softelectro commented 10 years ago

Hello, For a school project, I use "cvdrone" to communicate with the ARDrone. But school PCs are slow, so I want to switch off the decoding of the video flux. When I comment the function initVideo(), I can't takeoff the drone. Someone know how to switch off the video decoding correctly?


Softelectro commented 10 years ago

I try to comment different part of the code about the video decoding, but i've got always the problem.

Is somene have the same issue, or just me?

puku0x commented 10 years ago


I confirmed my AR.Drone didn't takeoff after comment outed initVideo(), too.

Well, what about disable the codes which create the video thread ? I mean you should comment out

// Create a thread
//threadVideo = new pthread_t;
//if (pthread_create(threadVideo, NULL, runVideo, this) != 0) {
//    CVDRONE_ERROR("pthread_create() was failed. (%s, %d)\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);
//    return 0;

in line 111-115, in "video.cpp".

Regards, puku0x

Softelectro commented 10 years ago

Thanks, I try this solution and it's work