puku0x / cvdrone

CV Drone (= OpenCV + AR.Drone)
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using opencv 2.4.9 #31

Closed blueevangelion closed 8 years ago

blueevangelion commented 8 years ago

HI, thank you for you sources. I am working with opencv now, but I don't like the opencv3.0 and some of the library I want to use is not included in your source. How can I Use OpenCV 2.4.9 with your sources?

Thank you

blueevangelion commented 8 years ago

I want to use "opencv2/xfeatures2d.hpp". But I cant find it in the library you created.

puku0x commented 8 years ago


Unfortunately, you can not use OpenCV 2.4.9 because it does not have "opencv2/xfeatures2d.hpp". It is one of the headers in opencv_contrib module and the module was provided since OpenCV 3.0 alpha.

There are two solutions.

Thank you, puku