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Add Gulp Plugin for resource installation #88

Open webmozart opened 9 years ago

webmozart commented 9 years ago

The command puli resource --install and the installer-related functionality should be removed from Puli. Instead, this functionality should be provided by a Puli plugin for Gulp (e.g. puli/gulp-plugin). One idea to implement this is to generate a Gulp configuration file and use that in Gulpfile.js.

Basically, we have the following information about public resources in Puli packages:

The Gulp plugin should move the responsibility of publishing paths to Gulp. The goal is that you can run gulp or gulp watch and have Gulp doing both your asset transformation rules (e.g. res/scss -> res/public/css, configured by hand) and the publishing (e.g. res/public/css => public_html/css, configured by the plugin) whenever a file changes.

In a first step, only publishing to local directories (e.g. /path/to/var/www/public_html) needs to be supported. In a second step, publishing to remote filesystems would be great.

webmozart commented 9 years ago

cc @kitsunet

hason commented 9 years ago

It would be great to provide a webpack loader or automatically register path aliases http://webpack.github.io/docs/configuration.html#resolve-alias

webmozart commented 9 years ago

@hason Sounds like a good idea! Do you want to work on that? If yes, we should discuss this in a separate issue.

temp commented 9 years ago

Any reason why you prefer gulp over grunt?

webmozart commented 9 years ago

@temp I haven't used Grunt, but I was told that Gulp is easier to use. For Puli, I think we need plugins for most of the commonly used frontend tools (Gulp, Grunt, Brunch, others?).

temp commented 9 years ago

We can help out with grunt, I guess ;-) Don't know brunch. But now I'm hungry!

webmozart commented 9 years ago

Cool :) see #97

tgalopin commented 9 years ago

I'll try to work on the Gulp one, but I never wrote such plugin so I'll have to learn a lot before being able to propose something useful :) . If someone more experienced is motivated to start something, I am very open to give a hand!

wouterj commented 9 years ago

Feel free to ping me if you need help, @tgalopin

tgalopin commented 9 years ago

I will, thanks @WouterJ!

felixkiss commented 9 years ago

@webmozart broccoli.js is another one.

tgalopin commented 8 years ago

@mickaelandrieu started to work on this here: https://github.com/puli/gulp-plugin.

maciekpaprocki commented 8 years ago

I am more then happy to develop that, if someone will provide me with example config file + tasks that need to be done. No experience with puli, tons of experience with gulp :)

So, let's say at the start task to observe will be js css third party (bower/npm)

Should we target other things like less scss sass css4 coffescript (i cannot really think of anything else now, but it's better if php developers could use standardised way of developing and almost everyone is using preprocessors)

webmozart commented 8 years ago

@maciekpaprocki Awesome! We're hanging out in https://gitter.im/puli/issues right now, join us if you like!

webmozart commented 8 years ago

@maciekpaprocki Any update?