pulibrary / BlueMountain

Project to digitize avant-garde periodicals
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upload Blue Mountain file to production #336

Closed cwulfman closed 7 years ago

cwulfman commented 7 years ago

Hi Cliff,

We’re all set to load the Blue Mountain file to production. We ask that you submit the file via FTP so that we can test the automated pick-up process for this load stream. You can use the same login/password you’ve used for your other load streams, and you’ll want to save your file to the same submissions folder. Please, however, be sure to use the unique naming convention for this load stream, as this is how our automated process determines which load profile should be used.

For Blue Mountain, please name files as follows:

NJP-2YYYYMMDD<any other distinguishing data – optional>.xml

So, for example,


Once you’ve uploaded the file, it should load to Zephir within twenty-four hours. It takes another couple of days for scans to link up in Hathi.

Please let me know should you have questions.

Kind and warm regards,


cwulfman commented 7 years ago

curl -u ht-njp -T NJP-2_20161101_BlueMountain.xml --ssl-reqd --ftp-pasv ftp://ftps.cdlib.org/submissions/