pulibrary / BlueMountain

Project to digitize avant-garde periodicals
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manifest won't generate for bmtnaab_1921-08_01 #374

Closed cwulfman closed 7 years ago

cwulfman commented 7 years ago


javax.servlet.ServletException: exerr:ERROR Exception while transforming node: A sequence of more than one item is not allowed as the second argument of concat() [at line 105, column 12]
In function:
    iiif:_mets-to-manifest-xml(item()*) [117:26:/db/apps/bmtnsprings/modules/iiif.xqm]
    iiif:mets-to-manifest-json(item()*) [-1:-1:/db/apps/bmtnsprings/modules/iiif.xqm]
cwulfman commented 7 years ago

mods.xsl wasn't handling multiple subTitle elements.