pulibrary / BlueMountain

Project to digitize avant-garde periodicals
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L'Elan Issue One Creator Info #39

Open tanvisol opened 8 years ago

tanvisol commented 8 years ago

Do you have any idea what the abbreviation "P.C.C" could mean? See bottom of page 4 – there is a letter signed by Joachim Krankfurter then after that "P.C.C. Lucien Mainssieux" who MODS is listing as the creator. I am trying to figure out if I should label him as the 'creator' of this or Krankfurter. Let me know what you think!

nataliae commented 8 years ago

I'm pretty sure that it's a military abbreviation. Cliff says we should add both authors: Joachim Krankfurter and Lucien Mainssieux. You can delete PCC.

Also - when you create issues, could you format in the following way, just to keep things standardized: https://github.com/pulibrary/BlueMountain/wiki/How-to-create-an-issue