pulibrary / RDOS_Publishing

Ticket incubation for the portfolio of infrastructures used by Research Data and Open Scholarship (RDOS) to publish research and scholary objects.
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Describe: Add Version Property #11

Open hhkitsune opened 1 year ago

hhkitsune commented 1 year ago

Datacite Property for this ticket

Property: Version


This ticket provides the user perspective for Describe ticket 442. This property should be added to the form in a grouping under the "Curator Controlled" section of the form. (See images below.) We have previously decided that versioning will be in whole numbers only (e.g., v1, v2, v3) and the field will default to v1. However, a curator or admin may change the version as appropriate.

User Stories

Dr. T. Wade (a Princeton researcher) had published a dataset with us in the past. Recently he contacted Matt (the curator) about a newer version of his dataset that he would like to deposit. Matt is able to add this deposit to the existing record without eliminating the previous deposit, which will retain the v1 status. Matt can change the Version field to v2 for the newer version.

A resercher has contacted Neggin (a curator) about depositing a newer version of a dataset that has an older version published somewhere else. The depositor can't change the default version (v1) in the form, but Neggin is able to change the version to "v2" for the depositor.


These show the expected order and position for this property

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