pulibrary / RDOS_Publishing

Ticket incubation for the portfolio of infrastructures used by Research Data and Open Scholarship (RDOS) to publish research and scholary objects.
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Describe Form: Separate page for "How to Submit" #18

Closed hhkitsune closed 1 year ago

hhkitsune commented 1 year ago


We want an additional page in Describe that will explain "How to Submit" a deposit. This will closely resemble the similar page in Discovery. Please make the navigation to this page consistent with other pages in Describe. Currently, we have orange buttons for navigation, but we may rethink this method.

Note: Neggin is presently working on content for this page. Hannah will make the ticket ready for RDSS once this content is provided.

Text to use

Acceptance Criteria

[Note: HH and NK working on this]

hhkitsune commented 1 year ago

Completed here: https://github.com/pulibrary/pdc_describe/issues/1225