pulibrary / RDOS_Publishing

Ticket incubation for the portfolio of infrastructures used by Research Data and Open Scholarship (RDOS) to publish research and scholary objects.
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Describe Form: Curator Controlled (tab details) #8

Open hhkitsune opened 1 year ago

hhkitsune commented 1 year ago


Only curators can modify what is inputted to these metadata fields. Most of the properties will have fields that automatically populate and these might have a box around them. Other properties included are optional, but have fields that could become unwieldy if anyone can input to them, so we want curators to fill these in when needed. most properties are Datacite schema, but there is one exception.

Datacite properties to include:

Packaged Datacite to include:

Other Schema:

Images show what users see

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hhkitsune commented 1 year ago

Note to self: Add "Collection" to this tab.