pulibrary / allsearch_frontend

Front-end for the Library All Search
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Update Null Results Language in Trays #279

Open kevinreiss opened 2 months ago

kevinreiss commented 2 months ago

Current display

AUX will provide the text.

Desired display

Acceptance criteria


kevinreiss commented 2 months ago

@Ka-YT assigning you to update the ticket with a reference to new phrasing we should use for null results per our discussion today.

kevinreiss commented 2 weeks ago

@Ka-YT @beth-german is this language we still want to change based on what is in the current interface?

beth-german commented 1 week ago

@Ka-YT https://allsearch.princeton.edu/?q=adsfhsdfjhajdkfkjdajf%3Bkjldasfjk .... Current format is "No results found. Search the [link to tray target]." Ex. No results found. Search the Library Databases. .... This seems okay for MVP, do you have any edits?

Ka-YT commented 4 days ago

For trays that aren't Databases or Staff this is fine- right now it's a false negative (in the example below "cellular biology" has associated staff and databases). We could shorten it to the redirect language first: "Browse by Title or Subject" vs leading off with null results.

Screenshot 2024-07-02 at 10.53.41 AM.png
beth-german commented 4 days ago

Ack! Sorry, if you're looking for the spreadsheet I referenced in the check-in, it doesn't exist. That was my mistake. We'll get the final rec this week.