pulibrary / aspace_helpers

methods and reports to support common SC activities in ArchivesSpace
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SOLR can't handle get requests with resolved ref's #509

Closed regineheberlein closed 3 months ago

regineheberlein commented 3 months ago

When sending get requests to the resources, archival_objects, accessions, events, and digital_objects endpoints with a resolve parameter to prefetch linked_agents and subjects, the request eventually hangs and times out.

The endpoints are paginated, with a default max page count of 250. We've experimented with dialing the page count down, and it succeeds in repo 3 with page count set to 60. In repo 4, it only succeeds when set all the way down to 30. At 30 in repo 3, it seems the loop hits a different ceiling of max API calls, and also fails.

Lyrasis is tentatively speculating that SOLR can't keep up with the requests.

kevinreiss commented 3 months ago

Lyrassis is looking into this as of 2/6.

regineheberlein commented 3 months ago

This has been shared with the ArchivesSpace developers and they are folding it into their ongoing work. I've supplied several more use cases where the API doesn't scale up sufficiently.