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Adding Users - single no roles #3

Open beth-german opened 6 days ago

beth-german commented 6 days ago

User story

Add a user to data manager-

Acceptance criteria

Concrete example


Current tiger data image

Midlevel mockup image

Implementation notes, if any

beth-german commented 6 days ago

Data user ticket: https://github.com/pulibrary/tigerdata-app/issues/248

gnemade51 commented 4 days ago

Single Select Design Update:

The single select dropdown contains 5 stages -> Closed, Expanded, Filled, Result Not Found, and Error - Not Filled.

Closed: When the page loads, the form field appears in this state Expanded: When the user clicks on this box, the drawdown list expands. The dropdown list contains a text-based search filter that helps users search for NetID from the list. Filled: Once the user selects the desired NetID the dropdown closes and the selected value appears on the label.


Result Not Found: When the NetID is not present in the dropdown list, the dropdown indicates that no results were found. Error - Not Filled: When a user attempts to submit the request on the New Project Request page without filling in a required field, the system will display an error message next to the missed field.



Figma Link: https://www.figma.com/proto/rgzEYTpnGl6l68moRSVwYg/Phase-1-UI-Details?page-id=0%3A1&node-id=110-1260&node-type=frame&viewport=-6043%2C-149%2C0.5&t=1mf1N1Zp2iJznNPJ-1&scaling=scale-down&content-scaling=fixed