pulibrary / bibdata

Local API for retrieving bibliographic and other useful data from Alma (Ruby 3.2.0, Rails
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Retrieve full availability using the Alma API #641

Closed christinach closed 3 years ago

christinach commented 4 years ago

related to : #712 related to : #573 https://developers.exlibrisgroup.com/alma/apis/docs/bibs/R0VUIC9hbG1hd3MvdjEvYmlicy97bW1zX2lkfQ==/

physical inventory information use "expand=p_avail": digital inventory information use: "expand=d_avail" We are not using full availability for digital inventory. electronic inventory information use: "expand=e_avail"

christinach commented 4 years ago

We decided with the Alma group to break down this issue in different scenarios. This will help to improve the way we retrieve currently the availability.

christinach commented 4 years ago

the structure of the bib object: https://developers.exlibrisgroup.com/alma/apis/docs/xsd/rest_bib.xsd/?tags=GET.

GET /almaws/v1/bibs/{mms_id} Adding expand=p_avail: will add an AVA (availability) tag in the record with the physical availability: https://api-na.hosted.exlibrisgroup.com/almaws/v1/bibs/991129830000541?expand=p_avail will return:

<datafield ind1=" " ind2=" " tag="AVA">
            <subfield code="0">991129830000541</subfield>   mms_id
            <subfield code="8">224687740000541</subfield>   holding_id
            <subfield code="a">01PRI_INST</subfield>  Institution code
            <subfield code="b">MAIN</subfield>  library value
            <subfield code="c">Stacks</subfield>  location desc
            <subfield code="d">292 H31m</subfield>  call_number
            <subfield code="e">available</subfield>  availability
            <subfield code="f">1</subfield>  total items               
            <subfield code="g">0</subfield>  non available items                               
            <subfield code="j">main</subfield>  Location code  
            <subfield code="k">8</subfield>  Call number type
            <subfield code="p">1</subfield>  priority  
            <subfield code="q">Main Library</subfield> library desc

Edit to add: Note that the availability here will be one of 3 values: "available", "unavailable", "check holdings"

christinach commented 4 years ago

for an electronic title: GET /almaws/v1/bibs/{mms_id} Adding expand=e_avail: will add an AVE (availability) tag in the record with the electronic availability: https://api-na.hosted.exlibrisgroup.com/almaws/v1/bibs/991946890000521?expand=e_avail

<datafield ind1=" " ind2=" " tag="AVE">
            <subfield code="8">5310439700000521</subfield>  portfolio
            <subfield code="c">6110439730000521</subfield>  collection identifier for the electronic resource  
            <subfield code="e">Available</subfield>  activation status
            <subfield code="m">North East Research Libraries Nature Single Titles Plus</subfield>  Collection name
            <subfield code="s"> Available from 1869 volume: 1 issue: 1.</subfield>  coverage statement (as displayed in Primo's ViewIt mashup) 
            <subfield code="t">Nature</subfield>  Interface name  
            <subfield code="u">publishing_base_url undefined?u.ignore_date_coverage=true&amp;rft.mms_id=991946890000521</subfield>
mzelesky commented 4 years ago

From https://developers.exlibrisgroup.com/alma/apis/docs/bibs/R0VUIC9hbG1hd3MvdjEvYmlicy97bW1zX2lkfQ==/

AVA field is added per holding record (related to the input mms-id or to a related Bib records) as following: $$a - Institution code, $$b - Library code, $$c - Location display name, $$h - Campus, $$d - Call number, $$e - Availability (such as available, unavailable, or check_holdings), $$j - Location code, $$k - Call number type, $$f - total items, $$g - non available items, $$v - Calculated summary information, $$p - priority, $$0 - Bib record ID, $$8 - Holdings ID (of items on permanent location only), $$t - Holdings Information, $$q - library name. AVA is added also for items in temporary location. For such items, $$8 (holding id) will not be added.

AVE field is added per portfolio, as following: $$l -library code, $$m - Collection name, $$n - Public note, $$u - link to the bibliographic record's services page, $$s - coverage statement (as displayed in Primo's ViewIt mashup), $$t - Interface name. $$8 - portfolio pid, $$c - collection identifier for the electronic resource, $$e - activation status. $$i - Available for institution, $$d - Available for library, $$b - Available for campus. Note: $$u will be created based on a Customer Parameter in the "Customer Parameters" mapping table (module: general): publishing_base_url.

christinach commented 4 years ago

We identified with @mzelesky that the availability of a specific item misses sequence and on_reserve. We use them in: https://github.com/pulibrary/voyager_helpers/blob/26166ac7e68bfce5d5326f11c0a05933f2b07880/lib/voyager_helpers/liberator.rb#L283

GET /almaws/v1/bibs/{mms_id}/holdings/{holding_id}/items This will retrieve the items list.

Edit to add: Note that we can get all item information by using a holdings number ALL

If we want Item and label printing information, use item_pid from the record. GET /almaws/v1/bibs/{mms_id}/holdings/{holding_id}/items/{item_pid}

The item_data also includes barcode information. https://developers.exlibrisgroup.com/alma/apis/docs/xsd/rest_item.xsd/#item barcode: The item's barcode. If not sent as part of the PUT or POST actions, Alma will generate a barcode based on the barcode generation rules.

christinach commented 4 years ago

Documentation for the order_status in Alma: https://knowledge.exlibrisgroup.com/Alma/Product_Documentation/010Alma_Online_Help_(English)/020Acquisitions/020Purchasing/030Searching_for_PO_Lines

christinach commented 4 years ago

In Alma we are able to customize the availability labels. for example an item which is checked out has a label <base_status desc="**Item not in place**">0</base_status>. This will give us the ability to customize labels in Alma based on our needs and avoid some of the mapping we do on the front end (Orangelight).
example : GET /almaws/v1/bibs/{mms_id}/holdings/{holding_id}/items https://api-na.hosted.exlibrisgroup.com/almaws/v1/bibs/99222241506421/holdings/2281569980006421/items

christinach commented 4 years ago

We need to find a journal with current issues.

christinach commented 4 years ago

We need to find if the sequence exists in somewhere else (@mzelesky suggests to check the inventory area of the apis. )

mzelesky commented 4 years ago


(info returned from an item call)

mzelesky commented 4 years ago


(relevant to item sequence numbers)