pulibrary / bibdata

Local API for retrieving bibliographic and other useful data from Alma (Ruby 3.1.0, Rails 7.0)
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
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As a selector, I would like to review the non-Reserves CDL items so I can decide whether or not to reshelve them #895

Closed escowles closed 6 days ago

escowles commented 3 years ago

Since having an item on CDL makes it unavailable for checkout or in-Library use, selectors would like to be able to decide whether to reshelve items. For reserves items, we already have a process for doing that at the end of the semester, but for non-Reserves items, they will remain on CDL indefinitely unless we have a mechanism to review and reshelve items.

hackartisan commented 3 years ago

Figgy doesn't know whether something is CDL until it asks voyager, and I don't think it knows whether something is reserve or not ever. Perhaps a voyager report makes sense here?

kelea99 commented 3 years ago

arent all CDL items tagged as the CDL collection in figgy? Selectors could go through and look at the collection itself? but no, it is not known whether or not it is a reserves item in figgy. I wonder if those should be tagged as such.

escowles commented 3 years ago

Yes, this should probably be a marc_liberation ticket — selectors could review the items in Figgy, but they would have no way of knowing whether the item was a reserves item, or even whether it had been reshelved.

hackartisan commented 3 years ago

That's true I forgot they are added to the CDL collection. But that isn't kept in sync with their voyager status. Something could be checked-in from the CDL user in voyager and still be in figgy's CDL collection.

kevinreiss commented 2 weeks ago

Is this still a useful feature given our current use of CDL? Check with resource sharing staff at our next check-in.

christinach commented 6 days ago

We discussed this ticket in the Alma-tech meeting and decided to close this ticket. Notes : https://docs.google.com/document/d/1JH-lw-7B6YwWCPsWTAdQfhRoOYxhyzGmrXiYq34TaKA/edit#heading=h.8oedbhv7w7gx