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TEI encoding of Cicognara's catalogo ragionato
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Two Problems with dcl:092 #132

Open smallfind opened 4 years ago

smallfind commented 4 years ago

Hi folks,

Looks like images for this record: https://figgy.princeton.edu/catalog/72244e8d-00da-4d21-ba5a-9b76fa238fce ~ should actually be attached to PUL Bib/ Source Metadata Identifier 8544151 (https://catalog.princeton.edu/catalog/8544151) and not Source Metadata Identifier 10084786.

However, this item (https://figgy.princeton.edu/catalog/ae79ee25-240f-4388-83a7-1f054bbec647) has two sets of local dentifiers listed: dcl:092 in the imported attributes and then also dcl:096, dcl:337, and dcl:p02.

Note that dcl:092 appears attached to both titles in the spreadsheet the student team and I are working on.

Any thoughts?


-- d

escowles commented 4 years ago

@smallfind I agree https://figgy.princeton.edu/catalog/72244e8d-00da-4d21-ba5a-9b76fa238fce looks like 8544151, so you should be able to edit that in Figgy and update the remote metadata to pull in the correct metadata (and get the object published on the right page in the Catalog).

For https://figgy.princeton.edu/catalog/ae79ee25-240f-4388-83a7-1f054bbec647, the three DCL numbers in the "Local Identifier" field are imported from the MARC record, and the "dcl:092" one is manually entered. Maybe it's a typo and should be dcl:096 or dcl:p02?

smallfind commented 4 years ago

OK. This is my first attempt at this, sooooo ... how does this look now? (https://figgy.princeton.edu/catalog/72244e8d-00da-4d21-ba5a-9b76fa238fce)

(I'm looking into the second now.)

smallfind commented 4 years ago

OK, yeah -- looking for the bib # now pulls up three separate results and it's possible to identify where the typo happened by crosschecking the imported and the manually entered identifiers. You were right. Thanks for thinking of this!

escowles commented 4 years ago

@smallfind Looks good — the viewer now shows up for that first record: https://catalog.princeton.edu/catalog/8544151 (and glad the simple low-tech typo idea turned out to be right!)

lightgivener commented 4 years ago

Hey guysy, the dcl:092 appears twice in the ShotList. I had assigned the new dcl:zzh to Le Bellezze di Verona Cico No 4388.

Since I have 87 new DCL numbers assigned in my extra spreadsheet for that purpose I should probably pass that along sooner than later if you are working so much on it at the moment. I still have some hours left and am working with Ani through problems so there might some additional ones coming later as well.

OLD SHOTLIST: Title Creator # of Fiche # of Images Box # Fiche Nr. Catalogo Nr PUL Bib DCL Nr Files Dir.
Christianrum antiquitatum specimina.., 1758 2 59 34 3215 (3) 3215 10084786 092 092
Le bellezze di Verona d'Adriano Valerini ... ; nel quale con breuità si tratta di tutte le cose notabili della città ... 2 65 47 4388 4388 8544151 092 092

The Christianum Antiquitatum title has three copies in the Vatican all on fiche so that explains the three dcl's. There is however the typo with the 096 which i don't have anwhere. The correct dcl's for those three Christinum Antiquitatum fiche are dcl:092, dcl:337 and dcl:p02. I'll let Bary know about this, too.


Cico-Nr. Double Number Author Title Variant Title Place Year OCLC NR ANI Holding Institution To be Digitized Online all institutions Vatican call no. Further Holding Institution Heidelberg / Shelfmark Princeton / Location OCLC (Getty / MMS ID) NGA Operator Searched Harvard / LOC Cico-Nr. /with combined double Nr. Missing Numbers added Cico-Nr. / Original  (as on fiche header) Total Number of Works Shot List Fiche   DCL Nr
3215-3 3245 / 3247 Jacutius, Matthaeus Matthaei Jacvtii ... Christianarvm Antiqvitatvm Specimina Qvae In Vetere Bonvsae Et Mennae Titvlo E Svbvrbana Agathae Basilica Ann. MDCCLVII. Vaticanvm Ad Mvsevm Transvecto Exercitationibvs Philologicosacris Nec Non Praecipvis Basilicae Eivs Inclytae Monvmentis Atqve Ineditis Inscriptionibvs Variis Collvstrantvr   Romae : Monaldini 1758   NGA   0 Cicognara.IV.3215(int.3)         VK   3215(3), 3245, 3247   3215(3) 0 3215 (3) ## 092
3245 3215-3 / 3247 Jacutius, Matthaeus [Commentarium in titulum Bonusae et Mennae] Matthaei Jacutii benedictini congregationis montisvirginis Christanarum antiquitatum specimina, quae in vetere Bonusae et Mennae titulo e subrana Agathae basilica   Roma 1758   NGA   0 Cicognara.VI.M.3(int.3) BSB / KHI / ZI       rare   3245, 3247, 3215(3) added [fiched as] 3247  = VI M 3(3) 0     337
3247 3215-3 / 3245 Jacutius, Matthaeus Matthæi Jacvtii ... Christianarvm Antiqvitatvm Specimina Qvæ In Vetere Bonvsæ Et Mennæ Titvlo E Svbvrbana Agathæ Basilica Ann. MDCCLVII. Vaticanvm Ad Mvsevm Transvecto Exercitationibvs Philologicosacris Nec Non Præcipvis Basilicæ Eivs Inclytæ Monvmentis Atqve Ineditis Inscriptionibvs Variis Collvstrantvr   Romæ : Monaldini 1758   NGA   1 Cicognara.IV.3247(int.1)         VK   3247, 3245 3215(3)   3247(1) 1     p02
smallfind commented 4 years ago

Would it be easier to change what you have as dcl:092 (3215-3/ Matthaei Jacvtii ... Christianarvm Antiqvitatvm) to dcl:096? And change dcl:zzh / Le Bellezze di Verona Cico / No 4388 back to dcl:092?

My concern is that the dcl:096 now occurs across multiple records? (Or is there a simple fix in the system that I'm unaware of?)

lightgivener commented 4 years ago

dcl:096 shouldn't appear anywhere?

It is not anywhere in the ShotList nor in the master file. I thought it was just the typo in the MARC record?

Is dcl:096 assigned to any other fiche scans at the moment?

Huh hum. I'll have to check in with Bary about this. Maybe it is possible as you suggested but please let me know if dcl:096 appears on anything else than the Christianarum title.

lightgivener commented 4 years ago

Alright @smallfind I did just that and changed the master file around the now existing dcl identifiers.

So the three copies of Christianarum antiquitatum are: dcl:096 = fiche header: 3215(3) dcl:337 = fiche header: [fiched as] 3247 = VI M 3(3) dcl:p02 = fiche header: 3247(1)

and the Bellezze di Verona is now dcl:092.

Hurts my sould but should now hopefully work out.

This means I also had to adjust the NEW DCL Numbers file and have reuploaded into the Google Drive.


lightgivener commented 4 years ago

master file excerpt for completeness:

Cico-Nr. Double Number Author Title Place Year Vatican call no. original Catalogo mistake Double Number category   Cico-Nr. /with combined double Nr. Cico-Nr. / Original  (as on fiche header) Total Number of Works Shot List Fiche   DCL Nr
3215-3 3245 / 3247 Jacutius, Matthaeus Matthaei Jacvtii ... Christianarvm Antiqvitatvm Specimina Romae : Monaldini 1758 Cicognara.IV.3215(int.3)   identical edition? plates in different order 3215(3), 3245, 3247 3215(3) 0 3215 (3) ## 096
3245 3215-3 / 3247 Jacutius, Matthaeus [Commentarium in titulum Bonusae et Mennae] Matthaei Jacutii benedictini congregationis montisvirginis Christanarum antiquitatum Roma 1758 Cicognara.VI.M.3(int.3) fiche header number was wrongly assigned identical edition?   3245, 3247, 3215(3) [fiched as] 3247  = VI M 3(3) 0     337
3247 3215-3 / 3245 Jacutius, Matthaeus Matthæi Jacvtii ... Christianarvm Antiqvitatvm Monvmentis Atqve Ineditis Inscriptionibvs Variis Collvstrantvr Romæ : Monaldini 1758 Cicognara.IV.3247(int.1)   identical edition? plates in different order 3247, 3245 3215(3) 3247(1) 1     p02