pulibrary / cicognara-catalogo

TEI encoding of Cicognara's catalogo ragionato
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Not All Images Showing in Structure Editor #95

Open smallfind opened 4 years ago

smallfind commented 4 years ago

From one of my student workers:

> As I was working, I noticed that the images of the microfiche samples were visible on the Figgy Show Catalog, but not on the Structure Scan Manager page. On the Structure page, some of the images just wouldn't show up (i.e the number would have no image attached to it). > > Additionally, sometimes when I clicked on the images, a grey screen would pop up, and I could not see the image.

I have attached screenshots for reference!

Anything we can do about this? Is it just a temporary bit of "glitchiness"?


Screen Shot 2019-12-04 at 4 43 48 PM Screen Shot 2019-12-04 at 4 46 10 PM
escowles commented 4 years ago

I believe this was a problem with our image server, which we resolved yesterday. Is this still happening?

smallfind commented 4 years ago

Thanks, Esmé -- I'm out for a couple of days but I'll shoot the student an email to see if the problem's still ongoing. I'll let update this thread, as soon as I read her email.