pulibrary / dpul-collections

An inspiring environment for global communities to engage with diverse digital collections
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Develop and Publish Experiment Solr Container w/ Fixture Data #5

Closed tpendragon closed 2 months ago

tpendragon commented 3 months ago

The Solr container should come pre-baked with Solr 8 and a number of fixture documents. The documents should contain records with titles, manifest URLs, thumbnail URLs, and descriptions. Maybe something like:

  "id": "<end of ark>",
  "title_tesi": "Example Record",
  "description_tesim": ["First Description", "Second Description"],
  "thumbnail_ssi": "https://blabla/bla.jpg",
  "manifest_ssi": "https://blabla/bla/manifest" 

We should have a script that can generate the Docker image by scraping and parsing the collection manifest for Treasures of the Graphic Arts: https://figgy.princeton.edu/collections/b80f8d41-3be5-440e-8bdb-eff6489f3088/manifest

The code for generating this should be in the dpul-collections repository.

The container should be able to be put in a .lando file and spun up and it has the data right after spin up.

It should be usable just with lando start

Publish the docker image to the Github docker registry as a public image.

First Step

Create a Dockerfile based on our Solr image: https://quay.io/repository/pulibrary/ci-solr?tab=tags (if that doesn't work use the official one: https://hub.docker.com/_/solr)