pulibrary / dpul

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Volumes within a MVW are also showing up as individual orphan resources in DPUL exhibits #1274

Open kelea99 opened 2 years ago

kelea99 commented 2 years ago

This seems like a proxy for pulibrary/figgy#4833

I have a couple theories for this. But first, Example 01:

  1. figgy link for MVW: https://figgy.princeton.edu/catalog/9d387fb6-bf8c-4d69-bec1-860a54a57efa
  2. figgy links for individual items within the MVW: NONE HERE
  3. DPUL link for MVW (from Digital Library of Islamic MSS exhibit): https://dpul.princeton.edu/islamicmss/catalog/fb494d242
  4. DPUL link for individual items within the MVW (these are also found in "treasures of the manuscripts division): https://dpul.princeton.edu/islamicmss/catalog?q=%22Item%22&search_field=all_fields&sort=sort_title

Example 02:

  1. figgy link for MVW: https://figgy.princeton.edu/catalog?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=C0108_c00478
  2. figgy links for individual items within the MVW: NONE HERE
  3. DPUL link for MVW (From shakespeare but also in sylvia beach): https://dpul.princeton.edu/shakespeareandco/catalog/dc2227n048f
  4. DPUL link for individual items within the MVW (these are also found in sylivia beach): https://dpul.princeton.edu/shakespeareandco/catalog/7m01bq64m AND https://dpul.princeton.edu/shakespeareandco/catalog/bz60d5765.


  1. Example 2 item was recently compiled as a MVW in figgy by attaching a scanned resource option (all the individual scanned resources were already in figgy). The individual scanned resources were in the DPUL exhibit before I made them MVWs just this week. example 1 MVW is only found in the Islamic MSS DPUL exhibit, and not the treasures of the MSS division exhibit. I wonder if these were individual ingests as well, but compiled later for the Islamic MSS digitization and cataloging initiative for that digital library.
  2. Example 2: items were tagged and given title overrides in DPUL before they were merged into a MVW. although this seems unlikely, perhaps having data /tagging associated with items that have arks but no longer exist as separate ingests are messing with reindexing? again, this feels unlikely to my untrained eyes.

Impact: because this impacts a forthcoming launch for Shakespeare and Company, and it is unclear how or why MVW contents are ending up as single items within exhibits and if it is a result of something figgy related with the attach resource function, I am setting this to a high priority to look into.

kelea99 commented 2 years ago

Idea from @roelmoon : what if the individual scanned resources (now children) are being pulled in to the DPUL exhibit because they are tagged with a collection name, and so are being pulled in separately as well. Apparently this is how MVWs used to be ingested in the early days of figgy - the children had to be tagged as well.

kelea99 commented 2 years ago

nope. no collection option anymore for the children. alas. However, the collection tags show in the item level metadata. so. I cant remove them from my end but they are, indeed, there.

kelea99 commented 2 years ago

see figgy issue 4833 https://github.com/pulibrary/figgy/issues/4833