pulibrary / dpul

Princeton's digital collections: Digital PUL
Apache License 2.0
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[DPUL/production] ActiveRecord::RecordNotUnique: PG::UniqueViolation: ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "by_exhibit_and_doc" #1450

Open hackartisan opened 1 year ago

hackartisan commented 1 year ago

DETAIL: Key (exhibit_id, document_type, document_id)=(119, SolrDocument, d9686974adb31155e2094bb2aa4baaf0) already exists.

     "arguments" => [
        {"_aj_globalid" => "gid://pomegranate/IIIFResource/228906"},


line 87 of [PROJECT_ROOT]/app/services/iiif_manifest.rb: add_metadata
line 15 of [PROJECT_ROOT]/app/services/iiif_manifest.rb: to_solr
line 58 of [PROJECT_ROOT]/app/models/iiif_resource.rb: reindex

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