pulibrary / dpul

Princeton's digital collections: Digital PUL
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Selected web font for DPUL does not recognize lower case modern greek characters #1453

Open kelea99 opened 1 year ago

kelea99 commented 1 year ago


The greek font I used for the welcome title on the homepage here:https://dpul.princeton.edu/greek-collections is showing up as boxes in Firefox is the “allow web pages to choose their own fonts” is turned on. When @escowles turned this option off, he was able to see the greek font. We should work on finding a web font that recognized original script if the languages have UTF-8 fonts.


Please include hard deadlines, if the exhibit is part of an event, the issue is stopping work, etc. This is not a part of an event, but does directly impact what fonts we are able to use in texts for pages in DPUL that describe multi-language, multi-cultural materials.

Priority recommendation

Sudden Priority Justification

Required if "asap" or "within the next 3 weeks" is checked. Add "Sudden Priority" and "Maintenance/Research labels

Expected behaviour

When I type in UTF-8 greek script, I expect to see that script displaying , when "“allow web pages to choose their own fonts” is both turned on and off.

Actual behaviour

When I type in UTF-8 greek script, I see that script displaying in Firefox only when “allow web pages to choose their own fonts” is turned off.

Steps to reproduce behaviour


Screenshot 2023-04-27 at 2 43 24 PM