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Test importing the 2020 Senior Theses into the QA environment #30

Closed jrgriffiniii closed 4 years ago

jrgriffiniii commented 4 years ago

This would be a synchronization between thesis-central-qa.princeton.edu and updatespace.princeton.edu

jrgriffiniii commented 4 years ago

This should have individual departments for which each import is tested.

kmcelwee commented 4 years ago

Useful doc from Lynn Durgin

She updated recently with the following comment: "Only import theses with Approved status"

kmcelwee commented 4 years ago

"Export from Vireo - Import To DataSpace" in Thesis Central Operations Manual

jrgriffiniii commented 4 years ago

What was blocking this was the following:

/dspace/bin/dspace import -a -c 88435/dsp01w0892999g -e jrg5@princeton.edu -m foo.map.txt -s /dspace/www/thesis_central/Sociology/tc_export/Approved/Sociology/submission_4162 will not import any items into DSpace. The following must be invoked:

/dspace/bin/dspace import -a -c 88435/dsp01w0892999g -e jrg5@princeton.edu -m bar.map.txt -s /dspace/www/thesis_central/Sociology/tc_export/Approved/Sociology

jrgriffiniii commented 4 years ago

There were several adjustments required to support multi-author SIP creation (these are mostly found in https://github.com/pulibrary/dspace-python/commit/681e4f1d67398458cd882ecd242148f34ea16ed1), and they required some directory path escaping (such as https://github.com/pulibrary/dspace-python/compare/thesis-central-import-multiauthor#diff-edb302c583942ffc8fe2368f61dd32d9R4).

jrgriffiniii commented 4 years ago

I have reduced some of the complexity of the approach for importing SIPs generated for departments, and these have been tested successfully with the following imports:

jrgriffiniii commented 4 years ago

I have e-mailed Lynn Durgin with a request to review these items in order to assess whether or not the metadata for these is problematic.