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Ingest "Prosody (M. Martin)" (pudl0122 (dh)) #1621

Open tpendragon opened 6 years ago

tpendragon commented 6 years ago

Note: No MODS/METS but could proabably be batch-ingested.

Files: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/0B4Wo5hgOEFY3ZlZGUU5OS3FIbDA


tpendragon commented 6 years ago


tpendragon commented 6 years ago

There's totally structure in these, may have to look again and see if there's a METS file.

tpendragon commented 6 years ago

@jpstroop Can you look at this?

jpstroop commented 6 years ago

These were done for a DH project but never added to pudl. As far as I know they could be ingested by the studios just like a new project. I suspect/assume that the images are already organized by bibid.

tpendragon commented 6 years ago

@jpstroop Even though these appear to have METS?

jpstroop commented 6 years ago

Only a few do. I think we stopped making them when we realized they weren't going into PUDL

tpendragon commented 6 years ago

@jpstroop Okay. Three have METS. There's a total of seven on the Isilon. Are you saying we should disregard the structure for those three and just ingest these as if they're new items?

jpstroop commented 6 years ago

Interesting...it looks like the structure the's there is just enough to make them renderable as MVWs in the PUDL. If that structure is useful, I can compile these, otherwise I don't think there's anything there to carry forward. Let me know.

tpendragon commented 6 years ago

@jpstroop I think it'd be nice to compile those. The structure looks pretty good to me on the first one.

tpendragon commented 6 years ago

I've ingested the three METS files which were able to be generated. There are four more folders in the pudl0122 directory, but some have structure I don't know how to deal with. IE, 2502701 has sub-folders 18th_318 and 18th_320 which each have volume subfolders underneath them. Pinged @roelmoon on slack to ask.