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Ingest "Moscow mayoral election ephemera" (pudl0125) #1623

Closed tpendragon closed 3 years ago

tpendragon commented 6 years ago

Notes: MODS / Collection level MARC What does collection level MARC even mean? Depends on #1674 Depends on #1716 Depends on #1738 Depends on #1748

tpendragon commented 6 years ago

Files: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/0B4Wo5hgOEFY3ZlZGUU5OS3FIbDA

tpendragon commented 6 years ago


tpendragon commented 6 years ago


tpendragon commented 6 years ago

Okay. The collection as a whole has a bib #: https://catalog.princeton.edu/catalog/7867489

Each item inside is described at the item level.

Field Example
title(latin) Programma kandidata v mėry Moskvy Aleksei︠a︡ Navalʹnogo; 2013 god
subTitle(latin) izmeni Rossii︠u︡, nachni s Moskvy
title(Cyrillic) Программа кандидата в мэры Москвы Алексея Навального; 2013 год
subtitle(Cyrillic) измени Россию, начни с Москвы
typeOfResource text
genre (aat) Ephemera
dateCreated 2013
language rus
extent 20 pages ; 21 cm
note(latin) "Izgotovleno OOO ’Poligraficheskiĭ kompleks’. 143300, g. Naro-Fominsk, M.O., ul. Kalinina, d. 8/1, INN 50300045907. Zakazchik- kandidat na dolzhnostʹ Mėra Moskvy Navalʹnyĭ Alekseĭ Anatolʹevich. Data vypuska 23.07.2013, tirazh 30 000 ėkz. Oplacheno iz sredstv izbiratelʹnogo fonda kandidata na dolzhnostʹ Mėra Moskvy Navalʹnogo Aleksei︠a︡ Anatolʹevicha."
note(Cyrillic) Same as above, but in cyrillic script.
note Additional AAT genre: pamphlets. (weird)
subject lcsh (naf) Navalʹnyĭ, Alekseĭ
subject lcsh (naf) Respublikanskai︠a︡ partii︠a︡ Rossiĭskoĭ Federat︠s︡ii
subject (topic) Mayors
subject (geographic) Russia (Federation), Moscow
subject (topic) Elections
subject (temporal) 21st century
subject(genre) Sources
physicalLocation Rare Books Off-Site Storage (rcpxr)
physicalLocation code NjP
accessCondition - useAndReproduction http://www.princeton.edu/~rbsc/research/rights.html
accessCondition - restrictionOnAccess http://www.princeton.edu/~rbsc/research/rules.html
recordInfo - languageOfCataloging eng

The most unique things here seem to be subject headings from a name authority file and the requirement for multiple scripts in a title. We handle the multiple scripts for our islamic manuscripts, but they've always been imported - and I don't think we do anything with sub titles?

A lot of these are handled in Ephemera - I wonder if we should migrate that way? We'd just have to figure out how to move over extent, type (although I think LAE has this modeled as "genre"), and handle multiple scripts.

tpendragon commented 6 years ago

@joycebcat Was the "collection of ephemera has a MARC record" just a practice from the past?

joycebcat commented 6 years ago

@tpendragon No. We still do cross-over records in the catalog at the collection-level for a number of things whose detailed access is provided elsewhere.

tpendragon commented 6 years ago

@joycebcat Alright. We shouldn't need to hook that marc record to anything in Figgy though yeah?

joycebcat commented 6 years ago

@tpendragon Correct. In figgy each bit of ephemera is going to have its own data.

tpendragon commented 6 years ago

This adds the requirement that sometimes a title will have a subtitle associated with it, meaning at times a title will be a nested object and we'll need some UI for like "+ subtitle"

hackartisan commented 6 years ago

Discussion of the title / subtitle wireframes led to discussion of linking titles with their transliterations. The titles in the mets different scripts are linked via altRepGroup. This means that data exists linking a given title and its transliteration. We need to know whether that link must be preserved. If so, we need to do additional modeling and wireframe work here. See slack discussion in #digital_library from this day for more background / info.

cwulfman commented 3 years ago

Done https://figgy.princeton.edu/catalog/1e2ae9ae-1381-4f5e-9453-25cc2ec5c1be