pulibrary / figgy

Valkyrie-based digital repository backend.
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Ingest "Versailles on Paper" #3962

Closed escowles closed 4 years ago

escowles commented 4 years ago

PUDL collection "Versailles on Paper": http://pudl.princeton.edu/collections/versailles3

Four items with bib records:

Files in //diglibdata1/pudl/pudl0083/

escowles commented 4 years ago

Unless there's something that I'm missing, this should just be ingesting those four items.

escowles commented 4 years ago

These four items are ingested and attached to the new Versailles collection: https://figgy.princeton.edu/?f%5Bmember_of_collection_titles_ssim%5D%5B%5D=Versailles

kelea99 commented 4 years ago

@cwulfman, see above.