pulibrary / figgy

Valkyrie-based digital repository backend.
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Corrupt tiff in resource #5647

Open tpendragon opened 1 year ago

tpendragon commented 1 year ago

Corrupt tiff in: https://figgy.princeton.edu/concern/scanned_resources/04d0cdf7-1bed-4b32-84bc-403060314eb8/file_manager

"Image00000020.tif" was corrupt. Image FileSet removed to PDF will generate.

@kelea99 Do you know the history of this? Looks like to depositor was Brianna Garden.


line 14 of [PROJECT_ROOT]/app/services/pdf_generator/canvas_downloader.rb: download
line 25 of [PROJECT_ROOT]/app/services/pdf_generator.rb: block in render
line 18 of [PROJECT_ROOT]/app/services/pdf_generator.rb: each

View full backtrace and more info at honeybadger.io

tpendragon commented 1 year ago

@kelea99 This needs to be reshot and page 20 added.

kelea99 commented 1 year ago

@tpendragon wrote to Brianna. Thanks!

Forwarded to @ccleeton . Thanks!

ccleeton commented 1 year ago

Just emailed the thread. This is a SC Firestone issue just was shot by Mudd staff when she was there during covid.

kelea99 commented 11 months ago

Will check back in on this one. @roelmoon , this ring a bell?