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IIIF presentation version 3 #5747

Open hackartisan opened 1 year ago

hackartisan commented 1 year ago

For scanned maps we serve a version 3 manifest at a path like v3/manifest. For audio we just serve v3 manifests from the original path.

Should we choose one of these two approaches over the other? Are we ready to serve all resources in v3? And if so, do we need to continue providing v2 for any resources?

Some discussion and possibly research is needed before we can proceed.


Publish a v3 endpoint, move everything over to that, and redirect old path to that.

Then we can re-evaluate when v4 comes out.


hackartisan commented 1 year ago

a comment from a while back on the iiif slack:

mat 6 months ago Hey all -- At Northwestern, we’re in the process of moving from Presentation 2.x to 3.0 for our image focused objects, and I’m trying to collect institutional cases of similar moves. Is anyone aware of documented upgrades? I’m mainly concerned with how and/or if Manifests continued to be published at the same URI or if institutions choose to publish v2 and v3 at separate URIs to maintain a past record. (edited)

8 replies

stephenwf 6 months ago Wellcome did a migration using redirects for existing manifests: Original (p2) https://wellcomelibrary.org/iiif/b18035723/manifest Above redirects to (p2): https://iiif.wellcomecollection.org/presentation/v2/b18035723 And then the new canonical (p3): https://iiif.wellcomecollection.org/presentation/v3/b18035723 I'm not sure if they do content negotiation ( @tomcrane ?) (edited)

tomcrane 6 months ago Yeah, publish 2 and 3 on new URLs, redirect old 2 to new 2. Make a canonical path which accepts conneg but also publish explicit version URLs as above. https://iiif.wellcomecollection.org/presentation/b18035723 is v3 and canonical.