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Add Video Support #5914

Closed kelea99 closed 6 months ago

kelea99 commented 1 year ago

User Story

As a PUL Librarian in Area Studies, I am in contact with documentary film makers and campus partners who are interested in the library hosting, preserving and making available documentary videos that will contribute to the scholarly dissemination of information and research. In order to do this, I need to be able to ingest mp4 videos into figgy and display them to DPUL in a viewer. As a first step, be able to ingest these into non-ephemera collections.

Upcoming collections

Existing work

File examples

- Pathe Baby Collection Item -Information via video on Geuder's stuff: https://vimeo.com/832998293


Please include hard deadlines, if the exhibit is part of an event, the issue is stopping work, etc. We have 2 current examples in the works for the above user story and video support has been requested and hoped for for years.

Priority recommendation

Sudden Priority Justification

_Required if "asap" or "within the next

3 weeks" is checked. Add "Sudden Priority" and "Maintenance/Research" labels_

Expected behaviour

Actual behaviour

Steps to reproduce behaviour


Use Cases

As Princeton University I should only allow the public to view videos that have subtitles which can render in the viewer both to legally protect ourselves and more importantly to meet our goals of accessibility. We want (.VTT) files for transcription subtitles so that we can standardize and migrate if need be.

As a Figgy staff member I should be able to ingest a video associated with a resource (ScannedResource or EphemeraFolder), mark it complete, add subtitles to it later, and it should render in DPUL, the Catalog, and Finding Aids so that researchers can view that video. This means I should be able to add subtitles later which will then make it viewable to the public. (It has to preserve, even if it doesn't have subtitles yet, and I have to be able to add subtitles later.)

As a Figgy staff member I should be able to bulk ingest several videos, each with their own resource along with their captions so that I can have a vendor mass digitize materials and then ingest them later.

As a Figgy staff member I should be able to ingest several videos to one resource, each with their own captions, and the viewer should render them with a table of contents so that I can display multiple videos in a single "box" of content in the archives.

As Princeton University I want to preserve the captions along with the video so that if Figgy's data is ever lost I can restore them.

As a researcher I want to have multiple captions each in their own language and users should be able to switch between them so that I can provide translations in addition to transcription.

As a member of the public I should be able to view videos and its attendant transcription as subtitles in DPUL, the Catalog, and Finding Aids in order to do my research.

We might want to be able to facet by all the video resources.

Sub Tickets (Create during specification)

tpendragon commented 1 year ago

Background info that's relevant:

We can't make videos public that don't have captions. Videos that are not public (but accessible by the public) need to have a way to request captions and have that actually happen.

Questions that need answered:

Questions DLS needs to answer:

kelea99 commented 1 year ago

Questions that need answered:

Is there a small thing we can do to close this ticket and iterate that bypasses that caption requirement? For instance - is it enough to ingest the video, make it playable, but not render it for non-staff. How does someone request captions?

When requesting captions, what happens?

What kind of captions do we support?

How do we model captions in Figgy? Presumably it's a separate file - how do we say that the video "1.mp4" is linked to the caption "1-caption.vtt", if there can be multiple videos in a single ScannedResource

If a video gets uploaded without an associated caption file, what should Figgy do? Prevent marking complete? Prevent marking anything but private?

For video that HAS no audio (silent films), what's best practice for captions? Do we still need a caption that says there's no audio or something, or is it just not an issue?

Where are we going to put all these derivatives? The Isilon? That's where audio derivatives are, but the performance is slow and videos are a lot bigger. Do we need to store and stream these from the cloud?

We need a video WITH captions to test with.

kelea99 commented 1 year ago

UPDATE: If we had our choice, we would want to implement this in Ephemera more than Scanned Resource. It would better serve the current use cases.

escowles commented 1 year ago

How do we model captions in Figgy? Presumably it's a separate file - how do we say that the video "1.mp4" is linked to the caption "1-caption.vtt", if there can be multiple videos in a single ScannedResource

One way to model this would be to attach the caption files to the same FileSet as the video file, using the mime type and/or use attributes to identify them as caption files. This would let you have multiple video files in a single ScannedResource and keep the captions attached to the correct video files.

tpendragon commented 1 year ago

Video will be our next cycle priority, so we're pulling it off as a MULE ticket.

kelea99 commented 9 months ago

Completion of items needed for full preservation. So, Instead of hindering completion of an item until it has captioning, can we hinder visibility of item until it has captioning? So, All video is private until captioning is added?

kelea99 commented 9 months ago

ensure this item is checked in on, after support is up and running: https://figgy.princeton.edu/concern/scanned_resources/8d38e275-5d77-4288-a972-c90e2e08dd8c/file_manager

kelea99 commented 9 months ago

Future User Request for video support: search video by time stamp, if we have transcription.