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Try a rolling upgrade for Solr 8 to Solr 9 #6342

Closed tpendragon closed 2 months ago

tpendragon commented 2 months ago

Work with Operations to experiment on adding a Solr 9 box to our existing cluster and upgrade them with zero downtime.


  1. Add a new Solr 8 box to the cluster, make it a replica of everything, take it down, upgrade it to solr 9 with a playbook, put it back up, see if it works.
  2. Add an empty Solr 9 box to the cluster, make it a replica of everything, see if it works.

First Step

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hackartisan commented 2 months ago

On closer inspection of the documentation, this proposed strategy won't get us out of having to delete and reindex. Since that's what we were hoping to gain, it's not worth doing this work.