pulibrary / figgy

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Use CLOVER viewer for playing Audio #6346

Open sdellis opened 2 months ago

sdellis commented 2 months ago

Doing this will allow us to upgrade the UV in #5778

tpendragon commented 2 months ago

https://github.com/pulibrary/figgy/compare/main...clover_for_audio has a quick proof of concept.

The last remaining problem (besides tests) there is that if you look at the Playlist link (https://figgy-staging.princeton.edu/viewer#?manifest=https://figgy-staging.princeton.edu/concern/playlists/09804be6-dbbf-4fe7-b124-34cc6f7bc412/manifest), it doesn't show the other tracks - probably a CSS problem. That link is what gets embedded into Canvas for music reserves for classes.

tpendragon commented 2 months ago

Looking into it further, it looks like that also an auth token is generated everything stops working. Unsure what's going on there.

tpendragon commented 2 months ago

Oh I bet this is a Clover bug, it only renders HLS if it ends with .m3u8, but here it ends with ?auth_token=

tpendragon commented 2 months ago

I fixed the not loading the bottom, https://github.com/samvera-labs/clover-iiif/pull/198 will fix rendering HLS with auth tokens.

tpendragon commented 2 months ago

New Clover has those hls fixes. Message here to remind me to update when I'm back from vacation.

tpendragon commented 2 months ago

For Mendel the major blocker is that Clover doesn't have a range browser - there's no table of contents.

We'll talk with the developers of Clover at the IIIF conference to see what they think a good strategy would be.