pulibrary / figgy

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Upgrade jquery-ui-rails #6358

Open eliotjordan opened 2 months ago

eliotjordan commented 2 months ago

Updates jquery-ui-rails to address 4 dependabot alterts.

Meta question for later: Are we still using all of the jquery-ui components? For example, I think we're using the Lux datepicker now.

hackartisan commented 2 months ago

How do / can we know that everything using jquery-ui stills works after this merge?

hackartisan commented 2 months ago

It looks like it's mostly used in the (old) structure manager.

hackartisan commented 2 months ago

I'm not sure it's working right? I just tried the structure manager on figgy-staging for this item: https://figgy-staging.princeton.edu/concern/scanned_resources/123bbbfb-4e7d-4bc6-9752-4b48925a1cdf/struct_manager

screenshot shows what it looks like after I drag / dropped a page Screenshot 2024-04-23 at 4 45 56 PM