pulibrary / figgy

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Some images failing to create derivatives #6359

Closed tpendragon closed 2 months ago

tpendragon commented 2 months ago


line 110 of [PROJECT_ROOT]/app/derivative_services/vips_derivative_service.rb: image_from_file
line 100 of [PROJECT_ROOT]/app/derivative_services/vips_derivative_service.rb: vips_image
line 84 of [PROJECT_ROOT]/app/derivative_services/vips_derivative_service.rb: run_derivatives

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Sudden Priority Justification

We have many files failing with this, and they seem to open locally.

tpendragon commented 2 months ago

See https://github.com/libvips/libvips/issues/3948 for some back and forth, ways to generate a fixture file, and a workaround that should work. VIPS is the best!