pulibrary / figgy

Valkyrie-based digital repository backend.
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Don't alert about filewatcher if the file has non-number characters #6362

Closed hackartisan closed 2 months ago

hackartisan commented 2 months ago

Two things:

  1. The script only processes files with filenames that only have digits https://github.com/pulibrary/figgy/blob/cc5838f529b789301b3a962e977f23ddd1d56cdd/bin/pdf_watcher#L56-L57 The health check object should also only check for files that are valid for the script to process

  2. What do we do with this file to resolve the alert? Rename it? Put it somewhere else? contact someone?

Sudden priority justification

The alert is triggered and we should resolve it so we can detect an actual issue if one occurs.