pulibrary / figgy

Valkyrie-based digital repository backend.
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Figgy logo in manifests aren't persistent #6406

Open hackartisan opened 1 month ago

hackartisan commented 1 month ago


an old manifest no longer loads the logo image. stakeholder asks what we can do to make them to continue to load, potentially a url redirect.

from @rlskoeser:

I have cached figgy manifests on an archived site that reference a PUL logo icon at this url, which no longer resolves: https://figgy.princeton.edu/assets/pul_logo_icon-7b5f9384dfa5ca04f4851c6ee9e44e2d6953e55f893472a3e205e1591d3b2ca6.png I looked at a current manifest and it links to this one: https://figgy.princeton.edu/assets/pul_logo_icon-5333765252f2b86e34cd7c096c97e79495fe4656c5f787c5510a84ee6b67afd8.png

In discussing with @rlskoeser we've decided that she'll fix the CSS to point to a different logo, and we'll fix the manifests so this doesn't happen in the future.

Success Criteria

Priority Recommendation

Technical Notes

We should be able to do this by putting the logo in /public so it's served by nginx, and then doing a static url.

Sudden Priority Justification

We don't want to have to set up a permanent redirect in the future, and we want old sites to be able to be archived.