pulibrary / figgy

Valkyrie-based digital repository backend.
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Images ingesting with a black bar across the tiff #6407

Closed hackartisan closed 4 weeks ago

hackartisan commented 1 month ago


See https://figgy.princeton.edu/concern/scanned_resources/93fa3696-98bb-47ff-bb3a-3e54ec7dea5f/file_manager

Report from Brianna Garden: "It seems like different files are being merged together into one image, like 70, 74, 76, etc. The files on my computer seem normal."

The directory used for the upload is /mnt/hydra_sources/mudd/ingest_complete/MC001.04_c12061

Priority recommendation

Sudden Priority Justification

This is for a patron digitization request

Acceptance Criteria

Things to Test

If we reingest, do the black bars reappear?

Are there black bars in the source file? No.

Are there black bars in the file in the repository? Yes.

Expected behaviour

Actual behaviour

Steps to reproduce behaviour

On figgy-staging, create a scanned resource using the component ID MC001.04_c12061. Go to its file manager and select "ingest from server", then navigate to the directory cited above.

If everything looks fine, advise Brianna to delete the resource and reingest it.


First Step

hackartisan commented 1 month ago

from @kelea99:

I think it would be helpful to learn (just seeing the ingest attributes for the images):

eliotjordan commented 4 weeks ago

@kelea99 Anything else to do here? Looks like this was a temporary problem with derivative processing.