pulibrary / figgy

Valkyrie-based digital repository backend.
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Collection ID box is missing from "Collection Item and Image Count Report" generator on landing page #6417

Closed kelea99 closed 3 weeks ago

kelea99 commented 1 month ago


To get the collection item and image count report, users need to enter the collection ids they would like those counts from. There is no longer a box to add these collection ids (separated by commas)


Please include hard deadlines, if the exhibit is part of an event, the issue is stopping work, etc.

Priority recommendation

Sudden Priority Justification

Required if "asap" or "within the next 3 weeks" is checked. Add "Sudden Priority" and "Maintenance/Research" labels We havent heard any screeches and have a work around where developers can run the report, but we will need this working by the time we are compiling information for LSC for the Evergreen and Patron Requests reports we hand over in July.

Expected behaviour

When I go to Collection Item and Image Count Report, I expect to see a box where I can add my collection ids that I would like counts for, above the date range picker.

Actual behaviour

When I go to Collection Item and Image Count Report, I do not see see a box where I can add my collection ids that I would like counts for, above the date range picker.

Steps to reproduce behaviour


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