pulibrary / figgy

Valkyrie-based digital repository backend.
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Map bitcur-archives share to figgy as ingest point for users #6421

Closed kelea99 closed 1 day ago

kelea99 commented 1 month ago


With the help of Annalise and Philippe, Amy Vo and archivists have developed a new workflow for born digital processing work They are needing to be able to access a new share from the isilon (bitcur-archives) as an ingest point within figgy. Original information is below. Speaking with Philippe on 05/31/2024, this is not an asap request. Something in the next 3-6 weeks, however, would be nice.
Original information:

Annalise and Philippe had created a virtual machine (VM) from which the archivists could do their born-digital processing work from their own computers, rather than one of the two FRED processing stations. I have been working through some of the new workflows in the VM – the workflow for creating access copies in our finding aids involves uploading these copies of processed born-digital content to Figgy. Another new, and important part, of these new VM workflows is the use of the bitcur-archives drive, which we are now primarily using in our work, though we still use archives_bd (Isilon) for some of the work that we do with removable media. In Figgy, the current drive/server options from which we can choose (and to which I have access to) only include archives_bd and archives. Would it be possible to add bitcur-archives to the list of options in Figgy?


Please include hard deadlines, if the exhibit is part of an event, the issue is stopping work, etc. Adding this share as an ingest point to figgy will allow Amy Vo and other users to make their process content available digitally in our applications.

Priority recommendation

Sudden Priority Justification

Required if "asap" or "within the next 3 weeks" is checked. Add "Sudden Priority" and "Maintenance/Research" labels

Expected behaviour

Actual behaviour

Steps to reproduce behaviour


Screenshot 2024-05-29 at 7 00 43 PM (1)

First Step

Talk to Philippe to get user/password for that share to add to princeton-ansible.

tpendragon commented 5 days ago

I emailed lsupport.