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Batch Add OCR to entire Industrial Relations Ephemera Project items #6448

Open kelea99 opened 5 days ago

kelea99 commented 5 days ago


OCR was accidentaly not set at ingest and over 5,000 items are currently in the collection. may we batch add the language OCR to the lot of them?

They are primarily English (see faceting):



Please include hard deadlines, if the exhibit is part of an event, the issue is stopping work, etc.

Priority recommendation

Sudden Priority Justification

Required if "asap" or "within the next 3 weeks" is checked. Add "Sudden Priority" and "Maintenance/Research" labels This collections is going to be used in a workshop by Bryan Winston and Charissa Jeffersion at the end of the summer. Ideally within the next 3-4 weeks.

Expected behaviour

Actual behaviour

Steps to reproduce behaviour
