pulibrary / figgy

Valkyrie-based digital repository backend.
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Use Hivemind or Overmind to simplify starting up dev environment? #663

Closed sdellis closed 6 years ago

sdellis commented 6 years ago

Right now, one has to kick off Puma, Sidekiq, and Webpacker.

Using one of these would simplify it: https://evilmartians.com/chronicles/introducing-overmind-and-hivemind

hackartisan commented 6 years ago

@sdellis does foreman seem to fill t his need?

sdellis commented 6 years ago

@hackmastera I think so. This would simplify it further, and provide better logging with the foreman approach, but it seems we have not needed it. Closing...

tpendragon commented 6 years ago

Overmind looks real cool, but also looks like something we can just try out individually.