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Newly Cataloged for Selectors: Exclude languages based on user configuration #661

Open maxkadel opened 4 months ago

maxkadel commented 4 months ago

Expected behavior

Works in languages in the user's configuration should be excluded from the CSV file

Actual behavior

Works in any language are included in the CSV file

Impact of this bug

Selectors have to sort through more potentially irrelevant entries, does not offer feature parity with previous feature.

Implementation notes, if any

We output the languages of the works, but do not filter based on it.

kevinreiss commented 4 months ago

To date no one has requested this feature, thought it was a part of the original OCLC service we are replicated here.

kevinreiss commented 4 months ago

@mzelesky could you expand on why we might want this feature?

mzelesky commented 4 months ago

I'm working through all the emails I've received about LC slips now, and I will update this ticket and the other tickets with what I've received.

mzelesky commented 4 months ago

From David Hollander:

For language, can we ask for only certain languages, meaning something like exclude all languages except English, Hebrew, Yiddish, German and French, rather than listing all the languages to exclude?

When asked for further elaboration:

To answer your question, I would only want the Yiddish titles if they also fall under the LCSH phrase search or call number range. And upon reflecting further, it’s likely that there are not a ton of titles that will be published under the LCSH phrase search or call number range that will be in a language other than English, Hebrew, Yiddish, German or French. It may make sense just to have no language restrictions and see what happens. And then if, say, there’s unexpectedly a ton of Japanese books published under the LCSH search or call number range that I am not interested in seeing we can exclude Japanese at a later date. Does that make sense?

maxkadel commented 1 month ago

David has asked to exclude Arabic, Persian, and Turkish language works. Have updated his configuration, but this is still not implemented in the code.