pulibrary / lib_jobs

Enterprise Services batch processing tasks. Rails 7 Ruby 3.1.0
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Add next round of selectors for LC Call Slips / Newly cataloged for selectors #680

Closed maxkadel closed 5 months ago

maxkadel commented 6 months ago

Selectors have provided spreadsheets indicating what their criteria should be. For each selector, we should:

  1. Update the configuration in config/newly_cataloged.yml
  2. Deploy your branch to staging
  3. SSH as deploy onto the staging server (ssh deploy@lib-jobs-staging2 and run:
    cd /opt/lib-jobs/current
    bundle exec rake lib_jobs:process_newly_cataloged_records
  4. Follow the instructions in the read-me to look at the emails that were caught by mailcatcher and look at the CSV that would have been sent to the selector
  5. If there are any major problems, create a ticket for the issue, otherwise fix.
  6. When it looks good, manually email it to the selector and confirm that it looks good.


maxkadel commented 5 months ago

This job ran, apparently successfully, Monday 3/18/2024. I will follow up with selectors to ensure the files look good and they want to continue receiving the emails weekly.